On January 28th and 29th, over 80 members of the New England Santa Society joined together to look back on 2022 and help plan for 2023. It was weekend full of fun, camaraderie, and friendship.
10 Year Member Recognition
It was an honor to recognize NESS Charter Members and present them with their 10-year pins. We did not get to see all our charter members, but we are grateful to all of them! Dave & Nancy Callendar, Phil & Louise DeJardins, Dan & Diana Greenleaf, Dennis Mann, George Martin, Bill & Roberta Palmer, Andy Parchesky, Susan Roberts, Sheila Williams, Dave Banks, Rene Bureau, Donna Marshall, Jonathan Meath, Walter Bizon, Jim Boone, William Dexter, Robert Eaton, Dianne Grenier, Al Johnson, Robert Lindgren, Albert Michael Renaghan, Brian Roy, Norman Dean Ward.