Finding Off-Season Claus Work – Zoom Workshop

Finding Off-Season Claus Work – Zoom Workshop
April 3 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Educational Zoom Program
Finding Off-Season Claus Work
Thursday, April 3, 2025 (7:00 – 9:00 pm)
While we Christmas performers are certainly busy during the season, for the other 10 months our work opportunities are few and far between. But they are out there if we learn where and how to seek them out.
Christmas in July events are not uncommon, especially at campgrounds, summer camps, and sport venues. In recent years, retail businesses have started using the “holidays” for sales and customer promotions. Our challenge is to make Claus in demand all the other days of the year.
This workshop will look at the kinds of appearances that are common for LEON/Christmas in July and other summer gigs. However, we will be taking a broader look at where we can create other activities and services during the off-season. Hopefully, folks will go away with a variety of options to offer this summer.
A panel of NESS members will share their experiences with off-season work. Santa Dan Greenleaf will facilitate the session.
How to find, market, book, and manage off-season appearances will be covered. We will also discuss outfits, event activities, summer storytelling, and other skills. Practical advice useful for the regular season on reaching prospects, marketing, booking agreements, negotiating, getting paid, and retaining clients will be offered.
While the session has off-season work as its focus, the information, strategies, and resources shared will also be valuable for our regular in-season activities.
The Zoom session is open free to all. Please RSVP on the NESS Website to reserve your spot.